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ОУХБ-ын сургалтын төвөөс зохион байгуулагдаж буй сургалтуудад бүртгэж байна

ОУХБ-ын сургалтын төвөөс зохион байгуулагдаж буй сургалтуудад бүртгэж байна


           ОУХБ-ын Олон улсын сургалтын төвөөс  Хөдөлмөрийн харилцаатай холбоотой дараахь сургалтууд зохион байгуулагдахаар төлөвлөгдөөд байна. Тус сургалтуудад Монголын Ажил Олгогч Эздийн Нэгдсэн Холбоогоор дамжуулж хамрагдана. Дээрх сургалтанд хамрагдах сонирхолтой ААНБ, хувь хүн бидэнтэй холбогдож дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл авна уу. 

Бидэнтэй холбоо барих утас : +11-318896, +11-314579 



1) Enhancing Results-based Management and Labour Relations in the Public Sector 

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах газар: ITC/ILO, Turin, Italy and Amsterdam, Netherlands

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах хугацаа : 4 – 15 May 2020

(from 4 to 12 May in Turin, Italy, followed by study tour in Amsterdam, Netherlands, from 13 to 15 May 2020)

Сургалтын төлбөр:  4,620 euros (Байрлах байр, болон хоолны зардал багтсан болно)

Сургалтанд бүртгүүлэх эцсийн хугацаа : 20 March 2020

Introduction to the course

This course will equip participants with the knowledge and tools required to design and operationalize a results-based management system in the public sector. In addition, it will expose participants to sound public-sector labour relations policies and practices.

Энд дарж бүртгүүлнэ үү



2) Public Policy 

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах газар: ITC/ILO, Turin, Italy

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах хугацаа: 18 – 22 May 2020

Сургалтын төлбөр: 2,285 euros (Байрлах байр, болон хоолны зардал багтсан болно)

Сургалтанд бүртгүүлэх эцсийн хугацаа: 3 May 2020

Introduction to the course

Following recent global changes and developments, there is an increasing need for guidance on public policy in all areas of the world of work. Against this background, this course aims to provide participants with a sound theoretical and practical knowledge of public policy analysis and formulation from a problem-solving perspective, using an international approach and taking different national contexts into consideration. The ILO principles will be included, using a practical approach based on case studies.



3) Turin talks on tools and strategies for the prevention of disputes in the workplace  (code A9012785)

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах газар: ITC/ILO, Turin, Italy

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах хугацаа: 02-04 June 2020

Сургалтын төлбөр: 1,895 euros (Байрлах байр, болон хоолны зардал багтсан болно)

Сургалтанд бүртгүүлэх эцсийн хугацаа: 28 April  2020

Introduction to the course

The interactions between employees and employers within enterprises can be cooperative and harmonious, or characterized by conflict and disruption. Even where relations are generally good, the very nature of employment relations suggests that some conflict is inevitable. Such conflict can, however, be managed within the workplace itself without third-party intervention, even though assistance from third parties may be accessed from time to time on a voluntary basis. Effective conflict management within an enterprise needs to start well before there are signs of discord or disputation. The starting point is the creation of a climate of mutual respect between employees and managers that establishes a firm foundation of trust and cooperation. The growing costs of conflicts and their impact on production processes and employee satisfaction has driven employers and unions to establish new strategies and tools for the prevention of labour disputes in the workplace. During this three-day event, participants will have a unique opportunity to discuss modern processes for preventing conflict in the workplace, share their knowledge and identify how their organizations can be more effective in conflict management.


4) Conciliation/Mediation of Labour Disputes (code A9712780)

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах газар: ITC/ILO, Turin, Italy

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах хугацаа: 22 – 27 June 2020

Сургалтын төлбөр: 2,905 euros (Байрлах байр, болон хоолны зардал багтсан болно)

Сургалтанд бүртгүүлэх эцсийн хугацаа: 17 April 2020

Introduction to the course

With recent changes in the global labour market affecting traditional dispute-resolution methods, there is growing recognition of the value of effective consensus-based methods for settling disputes. In this context, conciliation/mediation plays an important role, enabling employers, employees and their representative organizations, including trade unions, to agree on solutions to common problems at different levels in the workplace. Agreements reached through conciliation/mediation usually benefit all parties involved. With the intention of strengthening the position of conciliators/mediators within the bargaining process, while fostering the application of core ILO principles and standards, this course aims to develop and improve the competencies of conciliators/ mediators, and provide certification of their skills.


5) Managing Interpersonal Workplace Conflict (code A9012785)

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах газар: ITC/ILO, Turin, Italy

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах хугацаа: 13 – 17 July 2020

Сургалтын төлбөр: 2,285 euros (Байрлах байр, болон хоолны зардал багтсан болно)

Сургалтанд бүртгүүлэх эцсийн хугацаа: 29 May 2020

Introduction to the course

As workplaces become more diverse, with advances in technology, shifts in methods of work and changes in organizational structures, organizations are increasingly being faced with interpersonal and relational conflict caused by the breakdown of trust, communication and understanding between management and workers, and/or between workers themselves. Not only does this type of conflict have a significant impact on the well-being of the individuals involved, it often affects other members of the team or department, who are directly or indirectly drawn in. Such conflict also carries the risk of negatively affecting the productivity and profitability of the enterprises concerned. Given the complex nature of such conflict, organizations/enterprises and their members need to be able to manage conflict with greater self-awareness, sensitivity and skill. More skilled and effective intervention can make a considerable difference to the productivity of organizations and the morale and commitment of their members.



6) Negotiation Skills for effective collective bargaining (code A9012788)

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах газар: ITC/ILO, Turin, Italy

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах хугацаа: 7 – 11 September 2020

Сургалтын төлбөр: 2,285 euros (Байрлах байр, болон хоолны зардал багтсан болно)

Сургалтанд бүртгүүлэх эцсийн хугацаа: 24 July 2020

Introduction to the course

The promotion of collective bargaining at all levels is key to productive, equitable and stable employment relations. While an enabling regulatory framework and other measures to promote collective bargaining are essential, its effectiveness is often hampered by the poor negotiation skills of the bargaining parties. They may adopt a negotiating style that precludes satisfactory outcomes. More often than not, the negotiation skills of the parties are confrontational and undermine trust, which is the foundation of sound labour relations. The Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87) and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98) lay the basis for democratic and stable labour relations. The importance of promoting collective bargaining is enshrined in the Collective Bargaining Convention, 1981 (No. 154) and its accompanying Recommendation (No. 163). The skills, knowledge and capacity of those representing employers and workers' organizations are critical in preventing labour disputes and achieving outcomes and agreements that take into account the interests of all parties. Effective negotiation skills are not merely 'common sense'. They are acquired through a combination of training and experience. The course aims to develop participants' capacities to improve their negotiation skills and therefore to reach satisfactory outcomes for their organizations.



7) Master in Industrial and Employment Relations (code A9712792)

Phase 1: Distance-learning phase from 5 October 2020 to 15 January 2021 (15 weeks)

Phase 2: Face-to-face phase at the ITCILO in Turin, Italy, from 18 January to 2 April 2021 (11 weeks)

Phase 3: Distance-learning phase for the preparation of the thesis from 3 April to 3 September 2021 (22 weeks)

Tuition fees: 8,500 euros

Accommodation: 4,235 euros (alternatively, participants may choose to look for their own accommodation elsewhere)

Deadline for the first round of applications: 31 March 2020

Deadline for the second round of applications: 20 May 2020

Deadline for the third and last round of applications: 23 June 2020

Introduction to the course

In a fast-changing environment in which governments and workers' and employers' organizations are having to continually adapt their strategies, a better understanding of contemporary challenges and and trends in industrial and employment relations around the world is becoming a compelling need. The International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITCILO), in partnership with the University of Turin, Italy, is offering a Master in Industrial and Employment Relations (MIER). It includes a distance-learning phase and a residential phase at the ITCILO campus in Turin, followed by a second distance-learning phase for the preparation of the Master's thesis. The Master's programme combines the sound academic background of the University of Turin with the ITCILO's international training experience. The Master's programme aims to develop specialized multidisciplinary knowledge in the field of industrial and employment relations from a comparative viewpoint. It will provide participants with a deep theoretical and practical understanding of industrial and employment relations systems around the world by looking into recent changes and trends in the major economic regions. It will also feature a range of learning situations in which participants can enhance their analytical and problem-solving skills.


8) Strengthening and Modernizing Labour Inspection (code A9012796)

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах газар: ITC/ILO, Turin, Italy

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах хугацаа: 12 – 23 October 2020

Сургалтын төлбөр: 3,795 euros (Байрлах байр, болон хоолны зардал багтсан болно)

Сургалтанд бүртгүүлэх эцсийн хугацаа: 28 August 2020

Introduction to the course

The course will address the main features of a modern labour-inspection system, and will expose participants to selected international best practice. It will provide participants with the opportunity to gain new insights, share experiences and reflect on key issues, trends and challenges to modernizing their labour inspection systems.


9) Building Effective Labour Dispute Prevention and Resolution Systems (code A9012799)

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах газар: ITC/ILO, Turin, Italy

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах хугацаа: 02  – 06 November 2020

Сургалтын төлбөр: 2,285 euros (Байрлах байр, болон хоолны зардал багтсан болно)

Сургалтанд бүртгүүлэх эцсийн хугацаа: 6 September 2020

Introduction to the course

This course will provide participants with an overview of different dispute-resolution systems. The course will explore how countries can put in place modern and effective mechanisms for preventing and resolving disputes in line with ILO standards.The training course is intended to enhance the participants' capacity to effectively prevent and manage employment disputes in international organizations. At the end of the training course, participants will be able to: - recognize the importance of effective employment dispute-resolution systems in international organizations; - understand the guiding principles of effective conflict-prevention and management; - apply best practices in preventing and managing employment disputes; - improve existing dispute-management processes, practices and frameworks within organizations.


10) Conciliation/Mediation of Labour Disputes (code A9712800)

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах газар: ITC/ILO, Turin, Italy

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах хугацаа: 9 – 14 November 2020

Сургалтын төлбөр: 2,905 euros (Байрлах байр, болон хоолны зардал багтсан болно)

Сургалтанд бүртгүүлэх эцсийн хугацаа: 18 September 2020

Introduction to the course

With the recent changes in the global labour market affecting traditional dispute-resolution methods, there is growing recognition of the value of effective consensus-based methods for settling disputes. In this context, conciliation/mediation can play an important role in helping employers, employees and their representative organizations, including trade unions, to agree on solutions to common problems at different levels in the workplace. Agreements reached through conciliation/mediation usually benefit all parties involved. With the intention of strengthening the position of conciliators/ mediators within the bargaining process, while fostering the application of core ILO principles and standards, this course aims to develop and improve the competencies of conciliators/ mediators, as well as providing certification.


11) Academy on Social dialogue and industrial relations (code A901804)

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах газар: ITC/ILO, Turin, Italy

Сургалт зохион байгуулагдах хугацаа: 23 November – 4 December 2020

Сургалтын төлбөр: 3,795 euros (Байрлах байр, болон хоолны зардал багтсан болно)

Сургалтанд бүртгүүлэх эцсийн хугацаа: 9 October 2020

Introduction to the course

The Academy on Social Dialogue and Industrial Relations will provide a unique opportunity for participants to become familiar with the latest trends and developments concerning tripartite social dialogue mechanisms, collective bargaining and dispute-resolution systems. Participants will personalize their own two-week course by choosing from several electives, and will benefit from an innovative and dynamic learning environment.